2025 shortcuts懶人包,推薦清單整理



r/shortcuts: This subreddit is devoted to Shortcuts. Shortcuts is an Apple app for automation on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS.


shortcut for android. This App is used to manage the shortcuts of your Android device, you can bookmark and put them on your Homescreen


shortcut · n. 捷徑,近路;快捷辦法;被切短的東西(尤指菸草) · adj. 形成近路的;提供捷徑的;被切短的 ...


Shortcut unites planning and development into a single experience with tightly integrated Issue Tracking, Sprint Planning, Roadmaps and Goals. Get Started - ...

Shortcuts on the App Store

Shortcuts includes over 300 built-in actions and works with many of your favorite apps including Contacts, Calendar, Maps, Music, Photos, Camera, Reminders, ...

Shortcuts 自動化設定教學. 前言

2020年10月15日 — 簡單來說就是先定義好事件,當事件發生時就會自動觸發行為。例如:每天23:00 自動開啟7:00 的鬧鐘,或是離開公司時,自動播放podcast 等。


3 天前 — a route that leads from one place to another and is quicker and more direct than the usual route. 近路,捷徑. I know a shortcut to town.

在App Store 上的「Shortcuts」

Shortcuts can be launched from the Today widget, from Search or by asking Siri. You can even add an app icon to your Home screen for your favourite Shortcuts.